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in 5 cities of Russia
June 4-5, 2013 a team of engineers from ‘ECM’ proudly took part in the 5th Russian conference called ‘Restoration of the Russian power network’ at the Izmailovo resort (Moscow).
Kursk power plant: Radioactive waste facility
April has marked a remarkable increase of 420 megawatt in the total capacity of the Russian unified energy system.
On November 29, 2012 TNK-BP held a conference on EPC-contracting. The list of key participants included some major nuclear and oil executives, suppliers, contractors and subcontractors, CEO’s of other large (oil-unrelated) companies – as well as OAO ‘Electrocentromontazh.’
December 12-14, 2012 – OAO “Electrocentromontazh” proudly took part in the 4th International forum of nuclear industry suppliers ‘ATOMEX-2012.’ This time the event was powered by ‘Rosatom.’
Sites: Kurskaya NPP, Adlerskaya TPS, the ‘Bocharov ruchey” substation, Novovoronezhskaya NPP, Stoilenski mining plant.
The projects were conducted at the following sites: Smolenskaya NPP, OOO “Schit”, OAO “NIKIMT-Atomstroy”, OAO “QUADRA”, OAO “Smolenskenergo”, OAO “Centrelectronaladka”.
Work locations: “Novogorkovskaya” TPP, “Serovskaya” GRES, "Centralnaya" substation (110 kV), "Novaya" substation (110 kV), “Zhigulevskaya” HPP.
Expansion of Krasnodar TPP with an additional CCGT unit. Customer: OAO "Severstal." Coke-chemical production unit. Reconstruction of the filtering unit.
The Nyagan GRES, “Novaya” substation, Gas-turbine thermal plant “Scherbinka”, Eastern Electric Networks, Western Electric Networks, Southern Electric Networks, ”Gribovo” substation, TPP-22 (an OAO “Mosenergo" branch), “Moscow Oil Reprocessing Plant, “Mira” station, “TMB”, Dolgoprudny (OOO Henkel-Rus).
Affiliate of “Rosenergoatom Concern”, Smolensk NPP, OOO “Schit”, OAO “QUADRA” “TPP-2”, Smolensk, "Smolenskenergo” – an branch of OAO “MRSK Centra”, OAO “ECM” – a 220/20 kV substation in Novo-Kuzminki (Moscow Region); capacity - 2 by 160 mWA, OAO “Centroelectronaladka".
Main work was performed at these sites: the Nyagan GRES, OAO “Slavneft-YANOS”, and the Troitsk GRES.
The projects took place at the Kursk NPP and Adler TPP.
In March, 2012 the Kurchatov corporate branch did work at Kursk NPP, Adler NPP.
In March, 2012 the Kurchatov corporate branch did work at Smolensk NPP (An affiliated branch of OAO “Rosenergoatom Concern”), OOO “Schit”, OAO “KVADRA” “Smolensk TPP-2” substation, “Smolenskenergo” and OAO “Elektrocentromontazh”.
In January, 2012 the Moscow corporate branch did work at FSK EES, OAO “OEK,” OOO “EnergoPromInvest,” Southern power systems, Western Power Systems, Eastern Power Systems – all are affiliated branches of OAO “MOESK.”
December projects: Lesogorskaya HEPP, TPP-15, TPP-14, TPP-17, TPP-5.
At the Kursk NPP the branch did some work related to oscillographic testing, lighting system setup, fire safety equipment installation and other stuff – all at the 3rd and 4th units of the plant. Some of the work also went on at the spent-fuel storage sites of the station. Equipment replacement activities at SSG-330 kV (1st line) and SSG-750 kV (2nd line) of the Kursk NPP.
In October, 2011 the Nizhni Novgorod branch did some work at the “Provoksalnaya” (110/10/6 kV), “Yasnogorskaya” (110/35/6) power substation as well as at the Serovskaya GRES.
The Kurchatov branch of ECM has successfully completed a large renovation project for the nuclear plant