

Moscow corporate branch – work done in Q42010


ECM did work at the “Krasnoselskaya,” “Novo-Kuzminki,” “Novo-Izamailovo,” substations, TPP-9, TPP-20 and a number of other sites.

Kostroma division signs a contract with OAO “E4 Group”

The Kostroma division of ECM has recently signed a contract with OAO “E4 Group” for a host of jobs related to the “Nyagan GRES” project (ordering party – OAO “Fortum”).

ECM-Kostroma conquers Siberia

Our Kostroma division has recently launched a major project building a 12 mW gas-turbine power station near the Igolsk-Talovoe oil deposit (Tomsk region) – OAO "Tomskoil". Under the contract we have signed with OAO "Saturn gas turbines", ECM is going to perform a number of power-related jobs involving installation/test work, automation system setup and others – both within and outside the plant.

Works performed by Novovoronezh branch in December, 2013.

Creation of cable routes in the territory

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