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in 5 cities of Russia
Trace length of overhead power line VL 330 kV from Kaliningrad HEPS-2 to substation of 330 kV Severnaya: 33,14 km; overhead power line VL 330 kV from Kaliningrad HEPS-2 to substation of 330 kV Tsentralnaya:18,2 km.
The object is constructed on the territory of Pervomayskaya HEPS-14 in Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg to the address: crossing of prospect marshala Zhukov and the road to Turukhtannye ostrova. The object is a three-storey construction of 48х36 meter in size from a metal framework with monolithic concrete overlappings revetted with "sandwich" panels.
The substation Pervomayskaya is constructed on the territory of Eastern Administrative Region of Moscow to the address: 16th Parkovaya, vl. 2. The object is a three-storey construction of 82,5х43 meters in size.
There was performed a complex of works on installation and adjustment of power transformers, complete gas-insulated switchgear KRUE and other equipment. Engineering networks are executed and connected.
The substation is equipped with 2 transformers of 160 MVA, complete gas-insulated switchgear KRUE 220 kV, 4-section complete switchgear KRU 20 kV.
There was performed a complex of all-construction works (including interior covering “at one time”). Works on connection of cable lines KL 220 kV are being conducted.
The full complex of all-construction works is executed, landscaping and gardening of the territory of substation is carried out.