
Smolensk branch report in July 2015


1. Rosenergoatom branch Smolensk NPP. Desnogorsk.


·         Reconstruction

·         Flame-retardant coating repair at the cable runs of the unit #1.

·         Installation of the sertified water level indicators, detecting water level decrease in the spent fuel pools of the unit #1, 2, 3.

·         Replacement of the radiation monitoring system of the working site and defensive accident-prevention shelter at the power unit #2.

·         Conditioning systems modernization at the KSKUZ complex (control and protection system) and “Skala-Micro” at the unit #1. Steam humidifier installation in the industrial air conditioners. Electrical installation and construction works.

·         Nuclear waste reprocessing complex (KP RAO).

·         Electrical installation works.

·         Instrumentation and controls stands installation (KIPiA).

·         Radiation monitoring system installation.

·         Fire alarm installation.

·         Equipment installation.


2. NIKIMT-Atomstroy OAO


·        Storage and management of spent nuclear fuel. Spent nuclear fuel storage (HOYaT). Reconstruction. Extension. Electrical installation works.


3. IDGC of Centre OAO


·     Cable lines repair in Smolensk.

·         Cable lines installation at the object “KL-6kV, TP-6/0.4kV, KL-0.4kV construction for technical connection of the electrical plants of the Grazhdanstroy, OOO for IDGC of Centre, OAO (Smolenskenergo branch) needs.”

4. Energostroymontazh, OOO

·         8th microdistrict trolley lines.

5. E.ON Russia, AO

·         220/35kV outdoor switchgear cable ducts and concrete structures repair at Smolensk SDPS.

6. ECM-Novovoronezh.

·         Elecrical installation works at electrical equipment of the PGU power unit #9 of the Serov SDPS – “OGK-2”, OAO branch – at “Serov SDPS territory. PGU-420 (9, 10) units construction separating the first launch system of the unit #9.

Works planned for August 2015


1. Rosenergoatom branch Smolensk NPP. Desnogorsk.

·         Reconstruction

·         Nuclear waste reprocessing complex (KP RAO) of Smolensk NPP. Electrical installation works.

2. NIKIMT-Atomstroy OAO

·         Storage and management of spent nuclear fuel. Spent nuclear fuel storage (HOYaT). Reconstruction. Extension. Electrical installation works.

3. IDGC of Centre OAO

·         Cable lines repair in Smolensk.

·         Cable lines installation at the object “KL-6kV, TP-6/0.4kV, KL-0.4kV construction for technical connection of the electrical plants of the Grazhdanstroy, OOO for IDGC of Centre, OAO (Smolenskenergo branch) needs.”

4. Energostroymontazh, OOO

·         8th microdistrict trolley lines.

5. E.ON Russia, OAO

·         220/35kV outdoor switchgear cable ducts and concrete structures repair at Smolensk SDPS.

6. ECM-Novovoronezh.

·         Elecrical installation works at electrical equipment of the PGU power unit #9 of the Serov SDPS – “OGK-2”, OAO branch – at “Serov SDPS territory. PGU-420 (9, 10) units construction separating the first launch system of the unit #9.

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