Сompany details

Full name of the company
Open joint stock company on installation and adjustment of electrical equipment and power station and substation automation equipment “Elektrocentromontazh”

Abbreviated name of the company
OJSC “Elektrocentromontazh”

Address (legal, postal): 121059, Moscow, Berezhkovskaya naberezhnaya, 18A.   

Address (actual): 121059, Moscow, Berezhkovskaya naberezhnaya, 18A.   

Phones:: +7 (495) 921-0871

INN/KPP: 7730014175/774850001   

Industry code on OKVED: 40.10.4

Industry code on OKPO: 00121940   

Bank details:   

Bank name: Central branch of BANK ROSSIYA

INN: 7831000122   

Address: 142770, Moscow region, Leninsky district, Gazoprovod settlement, 101, bldg. BB.   

Settlement account: 40702810470010004987   

Correspondent account: 30101810400000000132   

BIK: 044599132