Yuznaya TPP (TPP-22), St. Petersburg


A new power unit (450 mW, 350 Gcal/h) is going to be built as part of a special investment program adopted by OAO “TGK-1” the chief purpose of which is the renovation of the generator equipment at the station. All of the new equipment is going to be supplied by OOO “Gazpromenergoholding.”  Curiously enough, the new lighting systems inside and around the plant are going to be completely LED-based, which is a remarkable breakthrough in this type of project since it has never been done before.  
The new PU will be up to all effective international standards and its performance factor is projected to be 51%.
The TPP is one of the major power sources in the city. The station feeds not only a number of residential areas but also some major industrial facilities. The new unit is supposed to raise the plant’s performance numbers in all kinds of areas, both economically and in terms of power efficiency; it’ll increase the overall reliability of the network, cut the emissions and turn the plant into a fully competitive player on the power market.  The new technology is supposed to bring down the operating cost.

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Yuznaya TPP (TPP-22), St. Petersburg Yuznaya TPP (TPP-22), St. Petersburg Yuznaya TPP (TPP-22), St. Petersburg

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