
Works performed by Kurchatov branch in July 2015


1. Kursk NPP

·         3rd power unit and spent fuel storage (HOYaT). Radiation control system (SRK) modernization.

Equipment, detecting devices and BSZ blocks installation, installation of cable, cable core connection and cable transits sealing.

·         Firestops installation on ventilation systems, installation of a corridor smoke exhaust and staircase air pressurization system at the 3rd power unit

Pipe, metalwork, PMSh2 panels and cable installation, cable transits sealing, drilling.

·         Back-up transformers RZA devices replacement

Cable laying.

·         111AB, 112AB, 121AB, 122AB KNP-1 accumulator batteries replacement at the 1st stage.

AB, cable, stands dismantlement, AB, stands installation.

·         1st power unit facilities AUGP equipment #410/1.2, 306/1.2, 201/1 (KNP-1), 209 (SAOR-2).

Cable, pipe, metalwork, DIP dismantlement. Equipment, piping, support stands, SK, cable, sprinklers installation.

·         Building communications modernization, communication equipment installation and cable routing designed to equip with LAN the workplaces of staff involved in input and processing of information necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the technical service and repair.

Control and fiber-optic cable laying, cable metalwork and equipment installation.

·         Equipping Kursk NPP U NTK 3rd base with a TSO complex.

Cable laying, equipment, SK, metal-reinforced hose installation, earthwork.

·         4th power unit PSE on TsT AN, ETs, OIKT and HTs objects.

Connectors installation, core connection.

·         Sprinkling system piping installation in BV HOYaT compartitions. Kursk NPP. 2nd stage. RTs-1 HOYaT.

Piping installation.

2. Novovoronezh NPP. 5th power unit.

·         Construction works in cable laying in some mechanisms in 117SN, 243SN builds of the SVO board.

Blocks dismantlement.

·         Construction works in SVO board panels and controls dismantlement.

Device, cable dismantlement. Cable laying.

3. Mikhailovsky GOK (mining and processing plant)

·         Pelletization block of the kilning machine No. 3 technological complex. Mixing and homogenization section. Transfer unit #1 of the technological complex of the kilning machine #3. Technological processes automation at the object “Pelletization block of the kilning machine No. 3 technological complex”

Cable metalwork installation, cable laying, lamps, sockets, stands installation, wire terminal connection.

4. Kazachya compressor station (CS) (1st stage) of the Southern Corridor gas transmission system

·         UPGT site automation.

Control cable laying, cores allocation and connection, pulse tube, cable metalwork, KIPiA devices, gland entries installation.

3. Lebedinsky GOK (mining and processing plant)

·         Hot-briquetted iron workshop. TsGBZh-3. Network and substation workshop PS #112.

Foundations construction.

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