
Works performed by Kostroma branch in the first quarter of 2015.


Fortum JSC. Construction of the power unit No. 1 of PGU-247,5MW of Chelyabinsk SDPS:

1. Installation of the 20kV current distributor at the gas turbine plant.

2. Installation of the 20kV current distributor at the steam turbine plant.

3. Installation of the current 6kV.

4. Electrical works at the launching steam installation.

5. KRUZA P framework installation.

6. Cable laying and connection for the ALSTOM gas turbine equipment.

7. Lighting and wall outlet circuit installation at the Main Building extension (axis 01-1).

8. Output and neutral-side cabinets installation for the ALSTOM gas turbine.

9. Cable metalworks installation at the condensate purification plant of the unit No. 1.

10. High-mast supports installation at the territory of the Chelyabinsk SDPS.

11. Hoist and installation of the lightning-rods on the roof of the Main Building.

12. External ground loop installation at the territory of the Chelyabinsk SDPS.

13. Control cable, 0.4 and 6kV power cable installation and connection in the Main Building.

14. Equipment installation and connection at the 220kV SF6 insulated switchgear.


Remindustriya LLC. T-1 and T-2 40MVA power transformers replacement at GPP-9 (main step-down substation) of the Slavneft-YANOS JSC.

1. Rigging works at the T-1 transformer of GPP-9.

2. T-1 transformer power circuit.

3. Subcommutation installation and connection.

4. Pre-commissioning activities.


Trimorya Construction&Trade Company LLC. Varco drilling rig plant in Volgorechensk.

1. Documentation development on 10kV cable lines for electrical supply of the Varco plant.

2. Installing cable lines 10kV for electrical supply of the Varco plant.

3. Documentation development on power systems 0.4kV and low current systems of the Varco plant.

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