

Actual address: 121059, 18a, Berezhkovskaya nab., Moscow

Postal address: 121059, POB 13, Moscow

Phone: +7 (495) 272-0871

Abbreviated name in English: JSC “Elektrocentromontazh”

Legal address: 121059, 18a, Berezhkovskaya nab., Moscow

Legal status: Open join stock company.

Incorporated at: : Moscow, certificate of compliance from the Ministry of Natural Resources, Registration № 01583-RP issued 12/21/1993. (Сompany details)

ECM headquarters e-mail list

Name Phone Е-mail
 JSC ECM (administrative office) +7 (495) 272-0871

IT department +7 (495) 272-0871 доб.8 it@ecm.ru

Addresses of the ECM affiliated branches

Branch name Address
Moscow Branch (ECM-Moscow) 121596, 12А, Gorbunova ul., Moscow (contact info)
Kostroma Branch (ECM-Kostroma) 156011, 4a, Berezoviy pr., Kostroma, Kostroma region (contact info)
Kurchatov Branch (ECM-Kurchatov) 307250, Promzona, Kurchatov, Kursk region (contact info)
Smolensk Branch (ECM-Smolensk) 216400, 9/1, Mikroraion 4, Desnogorsk, Smolensk region (contact info)
Kurchatov plant Vector (ECM-Vector) 307250, Promzona, Kurchatov, Kursk region (contact info)
Kostroma engineering center (ECM-Engineering center) 156011, 4a, Berezoviy pr., Kostroma, Kostroma region (contact info)